A Relatable Character

What does “taking a knee” and fidget spinners have in common? They are both a trend. They do not solve the problem they were designed for. They both are ending up in places/situations they do not belong. Everybody wants one or to be apart of a trend. They both are childish, I’ve seen kids whining for a new fidget spinner, and I’m seeing grown adults whining by taking a knee. Doing something in the wrong place is simply disrespectful. Fidget spinners don’t belong in classrooms, and taking a knee during the National Anthem is inappropriate as well. The reason the National Anthem is played at a game is to first show respect to those who fought and gave their life for that flag to fly high. Secondly, it’s a reminder at these sporting events that it’s a privilege of freedom, provided by your military and leaders of this Great Nation. America Please 🙏 stop dividing, stop crying, and stop feeling privileged. Remember that you are entitled to nothing, you must earn the privileges in this life. Be thankful that this country earned you the privileges you take for granted, and by all means show respect when it is deserved. Remember this country was built as one (united) Nation on the foundation of God. Pray and act like the Word of God tells you to. It’s pertinent to a thriving life and a thriving nation.

That was my FB this week. Below, here is Magneto.


He is a character from the Marvel comic universe and in case you are not in the know, you can read about him here.

This guy was, in the main universe, captured as a kid and lived through some serious hardship as German Jew. He dealt with a number of Nazis. As he grows up, his family being murdered, he looks to his tribe: mutants.

He grows to resent humans and their constant fear and hatred for all things different. His best and closest friend is another mutant, Charles Xavier. If Magneto is analogous to Malcolm X, Charles is Martin Luther King, Jr.

While Magneto is presented as a villain, you start to connect with his plight. In spite of Charles’ optimism and hope for building a peaceful future with humans, Magneto ends up being right – and often in the worst ways – about the dark side of human nature and fear of what they don’t understand.


While we condemn Magneto’s more extreme actions, we do one thing for him: we try to understand his plight and relate. He does “bad” things, but he’s not a bad guy. In fact, as we take a look into his context, we wonder if he’s even wrong in his observations.

I wonder what it would take for people to give myself and other people of color the same level of compassion, thought, and sympathy that Marvel has somehow gotten for this comic book character. How do we have, as a collective, more compassion for colored paper than for blood and bone?

I wish I knew.


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