Of Tea, Cabbages, and Happiness
When asked “Are you happy? If so, how do you know?” my only answer for the last few years has been a deep breath. My most normal answer has been, “I’m OK” when asked about nearly anything. That said, happiness and I aren’t strangers. I know when I see her and she’s always beautiful with…
Standing at Intersections
Here’s a definition: Intersectionality is an analytic framework which attempts to identify how interlocking systems of power impact those who are most marginalized in society.[1] Intersectionality considers that various forms of social stratification, such as class, race, sexual orientation, age, disability and gender, do not exist separately from each other but are interwoven together. While…
I figured it was time to write this article when a casual comment on religious people rendered me unable to speak for two hours. While I recovered, I took the time to think about a few things that have caused me major friction in the communities I navigate as a black, religious man. BLACK I…
The Should-Be Designer
It was 5:25AM and I am about 20 minutes into a drive to the airport where I have begun my much needed, week-long vacation to my home state of New York. Beside me is Janet who has recently retired from a job in environmental design and has taken up biking as a hobby. I ask…