Refugee Conflict
So I heard that there are a number of Syrian refugees wanting to come to America to escape conditions where they are from. There’s not much that I understand about the situation, but there’s something I’d like to say about the related commentary: sometimes, the best answer is silence. Everything I’ve seen being said, I’ve seen being…
Thoughts On An Event
PREFACE It is very possible that you will read the words I am about to write and decide that you cannot stomach them. That they are not palatable. That you do not understand my position and are unwilling to understand because you believe it is foolishness. If this is you, I understand. I don’t think…
Important Discussions: Oppression
Recently, I was working my way around facebook and twitter – my social lounges – when I happened upon a particularly concerning bit about this video: Mainly, the complaint was that this was the ruining of a good evening and performance and that, while the situation is somewhat understandable, this should simply be left to…
The Emerging Activist
I’m not political. Never have been. The idea of a politician is filled with images of deception and lies for convenience at the cost of innocent lives, many of which are ignorant they are being toyed with in the first place. They are known for it more so than lawyers. I never wanted to be…
Stop, then Go
As I sit here in the office today, there is an RFP calendar for this month that is full, an inbox that cries for my attention, and a phone that – if I am honest – I wish to avoid. In the middle of this, I start reviewing notes. Some of these are written. There…