A week or two back I had the thought that perhaps a therapist visit would be a useful and helpful thing to have. At the time, I was in the shower and the thought came unprompted. It got me thinking about the importance of being able to make that statement as a normal sentence without feeling bad about it.
Bonus: I didn’t feel bad about having this thought.
In the day and age we are in where any form of social media I read is uncovering more and more of varying levels of pain and injustice people are finally able to speak on, it is hard to go for longer than a few hours without running into things that make me want to run from my laptop.
Behaving as if I am unaffected by seeing this stuff near-constantly is danger and poison, so I let the thought enter and pass. Who knows? I may very well take that trip. Today isn’t that day and that day may be a while in coming, but first, I need to finish writing yet another thread on why racism is still a bad idea.